Introduction into the human body
Human development
Structural organization of the human body
Human position in nature
Parts and regions of human body
Anatomical terminology
Classifi cation of bones
Structure of the bones
Osteology (bones, or skeletal system)
Bones of the trunk
The level of cervical vertebrae
The level of thoracic vertebrae
The level of lumbar vertebrae
The level of sacral vertebrae
Anomalies of the bones of the axial skeleton
Bones of the upper and lower limbs
Bones of the upper limb
Bones of the lower limb
Radiographic anatomy of the bones of the body and limbs
Development of the cranium
Bones of the skull
The bones of the brain box
The bones of the viscerocranium
Cranium as a whole
Neurocranium (brain box)
Viscerocranium (facial skeleton)
Buttresses of the cranium
Shapes of the cranium
The skulls of newborns
Age-related changes of skulls
Sex diff erences of skulls
Radiographic anatomy of the skulls
Joints (articular system)
General arthrosyndesmology
Development of joints
Fibrous joints
Cartilaginous joints
Bony union
Synovial joints
Motion (movements) in joints
Principles of classifi cation of joints
Classifi cation of joints according to axes of rotation and the shape of the articular surfaces
Classifi cation of joints according to construction and organization
Specifi c articular system
Joins of the bones of the trunk
Connections of the vertebrae
Zygapophysial joints
Connections of the sacrum and coccyx
Connections of the vertebral column and cranium
Vertebral column
Joins of the ribs
Thorax as a whole
Joints of the skull
Cranial fi brous joints
Temporomandibular joint
Joints of the upper limb
Joints of the pectoral girdle
Joints of the free upper limb
Joints of the lower limb
Joints of the pelvic girdle
Pelvis as a whole
Joints of the free lower limb
Connections between the phalanges of the foot
Muscles (muscular system)
Systemic anatomy
General anatomy of the skeletal muscles
Structure of the skeletal muscles
Classifi cation of the muscles
The auxillary apparatus of the muscles
Muscles of the back
Classifi cation of muscles of the back according to topography and shape
Classifi cation of muscles of the back according to development
Superfi cial muscles of the back
Muscles attached to the bones of the upper limb
Muscles attached to ribs
Muscles of the back proper
Long muscles
Short muscles
Suboccipital muscles
Fasciae of the back
Topography of the back
Muscles of the thorax
Classifi cation of muscles of the thorax
Muscles attached to the bones of the upper limb
Muscles of the thorax proper
Fasciae of the thorax
Topography of the thorax
Muscles of the abdomen
Classifi cation of muscles of the abdomen according to topography and shape
Anterolateral group
Long muscles
Broad muscles
Posterior group
Fasciae of the abdomen
Topography of the abdomen
Muscles of the neck
Classifi cation of muscles of the neck according to topography
Classifi cation of muscles of the neck according to development
Muscles of the neck are located forwards the larynx and large vessels
Infrahyoid muscles
Suprahyoid muscles
Deep muscles
Fasciae of the neck
Regions of the neck
Triangles of the neck
Potential tissue spaces of the neck
Muscles of the head
Classifi cation of muscles of the head according to topography and action
Facial muscles (muscles of facial expressions)
Epicranial muscle group
Masticatory muscles
Fasciae of the head
Topography of the head
Muscles of the upper limb
Muscles of the pectoral girdle
Muscles of the free part of the upper limb
Muscles of the forearm
Muscles of the hand
Fasciae of the upper limb
Topography of the upper extremity
Muscles of the lower limb
Muscles of the pelvic girdle
Muscles of the free part of the lower limb
Muscles of the leg
Muscles of the foot
Fasciae of the lower limb
Osteofi brous canals and synovial sheaths for the tendons on the foot
Topography of the lower extremity