General neurology
Development of the nervous system
The central nervous system
The spinal cord
Development of the spinal cord
External organization
Internal organization
The meninges of the spinal cord
The brain
Development of the brain
The rhombencephalon
The medulla oblongata
The pons
The cerebellum
The isthmus rhombencephali
The fourth ventricle
The midbrain
The diencephalon
The telencephalons
The relief of the hemispheres
Structure of the cerebral cortex
Basal nuclei
The rhinencephalon
The basal forebrain
White substance of the cerebral hemispheres
Lateral ventricles
Cranial meninges
Pathways of the brain and spinal cord
Aff erent pathways
Eff erent pathways
The peripheral nervous system
Spinal nerves
Development of spinal nerves
Posterior rami of the spinal nerves
Anterior rami of the spinal nerves
The cervical plexus
The brachial plexus
Intercostal nerves
The lumbar plexus
The sacral plexus
The coccygeal plexus
Cranial nerves
Development and structure of cranial nerves
The terminal nerve
The olfactory nerve
The optic nerve
The oculomotor nerve
The trochlear nerve
The trigeminal nerve
The abducent (abducens) nerve
The facial nerve
The vestibulocochlear nerve
The glossopharyngeal nerve
The vagus nerve
The accessory nerve
The hypoglossal nerve
Autonomic nervous system
A comparison of somatic (animal) and autonomic (vegetative) systems
Development of the autonomic nervous system
The sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system
The sympathetic trunk
Cervical ganglia of the sympathetic trunk
Thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic trunk
Lumbar ganglia of the sympathetic trunk
Sacral ganglia of the sympathetic trunk
Prevertebral ganglia
The parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system
The cranial part of the parasympathetic nervous system
Preganglionic fi bres
Ganglia and postganglionic fi bres
The sacral part of the parasympathetic nervous system
Peripheral autonomic plexuses and ganglia
Craniocervical autonomic plexuses
Thoracic autonomic plexuses
Abdominal autonomic plexuses
Pelvic autonomic plexuses
Intramural autonomic plexuses
General esthesiology
The eye and related structures
Development of the eye and related structures
The eyeball
Communications of the visual analyzer
Accessory visual structures
The ear
Development of the ear
The external ear
The middle ear
The internal ear
Communications of the vestibular (statokinetic) analyzer
Communications of the auditory (acoustic, hearing) analyzer
The olfactory organ
The gustatory organ
The integument (skin and associated structures)